On this page you will find the guidelines for a sponsored post on the blog https://draeger-it.blog.
From time to time I am contacted whether sponsored posts can be published on my blog. One of my goals is that this blog is self-sustaining and perhaps yields something (but does not have to), so I am not generally averse.
However, I set some limits for sponsored posts, which I would like to mention in this post.
- Microcontroller,
- Arduino,
- ESP32, ESP8266,
- Raspberry Pi,
- etc.
- Software development
- Oracle Java,
- Python, Micropython, etc.
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
- Tools and hardware in general
The implementation of hyperlinks as backlinks are mostly a big target. I reserve the right to check the target pages and if the content of the target page does not fit to my content (see section “Content”), to reject these posts.
The hyperlinks can be set up as “nofollow” or as mostly chosen as “dofollow”.
In order for the hyperlinks to serve as “valuable” backlinks, they must be provided with the attribute “dofollow”.
Cost & period of provision
A big issue in these requests is always the cost of such a contribution. The cost of a sponsored contribution is difficult to quantify in advance, because it always depends on the desired scope.
Provisioning period
On the start page, the posts are lined up chronologically. I.e. new posts are always on top. For sponsored posts, I always set them up so that they are kept on top for 14 days. Thus, this post is more present on the home page.
For the company “EaseUS” I have already published two articles about their software.
- App Vorstellung #1: EaseUS MobiSaver for Android
- App Vorstellung #2: “EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard” zum wiederherstellen gelöschter Dateien
I was only provided with a key for the software, which I could fully test. The article itself was written by me (incl. pictures and videos).
The article about 5 praktische Raspberry Pi Projekte projects was delivered as MS-Word file including video and pictures. So the effort on my side was quite low, and so were the costs on the side of the client.
Hardware & Books
For the provision of hardware such as ebsp.
The case was I am happy to take no additional money.
Since I also like to educate myself privately, reference books are very present and I often look forward to the opportunity to read new books and to give my personal opinion about them. So far, I have worked with mitp and BMU Verlag and already have a few books on my shelf.