In this article, I would like to introduce you to a compact microcontroller featuring the RP2040 chip, which plugs directly into a USB port, eliminating the need for an additional data cable. I purchased this microcontroller for approximately €5, including shipping, from AliExpress. In terms of price, it is comparable to the original Raspberry Pi…
MicroPython with ESP32: Controlling LED Brightness with PWM
In this post, you’ll learn how to use Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) with the ESP32 D1 R32 and MicroPython. PWM is a versatile technique widely used in many applications, from LED dimming to motor control. With the ESP32 and MicroPython, generating and controlling PWM signals is straightforward. n a previous post, MicroPython with ESP32: Introduction…
MicroPython with ESP32: Controlling GPIO Pins – LEDs and Buttons
After demonstrating how to flash the ESP32 for MicroPython and introducing the programming language’s structure, we will now control LEDs and buttons via GPIO pins. For this series, I am using the ESP32 D1 R32 along with the Rich Shield Two from Open Smart. If you don’t have this shield, I’ll provide guidance on how…
MicroPython with ESP32: Programming basics
In this article, I would like to introduce you to the basics of programming in MicroPython using the ESP32 D1 R32. However, you can also easily apply this to other microcontrollers that also work with MicroPython. MicroPython vs. Python MicroPython is a full implementation of the Python 3 programming language that runs directly on embedded…
MicroPython with ESP32: Introduction to the ESP32 D1 R32
In this and upcoming posts, I would like to give you an introduction to programming the ESP32 with MicroPython. However, before we can start this little course, we need to get to know this microcontroller a little better and flash it. What is special about the ESP32 D1 R32? This microcontroller with an ESP-WROOM-32 chip…
Shelly Plus 1 Mini vs Shelly Plus 1: Which is the right switch for you?
I have already presented the two smart devices Shelly Plus 1 and Shelly Plus 1 Mini to you in detail in separate articles. Now it’s time to make a comprehensive comparison between these two switches. In this article, you’ll find out everything you need to know to choose the right switch for your individual project….
Step-by-step instructions: Integrating the Shelly Plus 1 Mini into the network
Let’s take a look at how the Shelly Plus 1 Mini can be integrated into an existing home network. Thanks to the existing Bluetooth interface, this is much easier (and above all less stressful) than with the previous models and can therefore be done in just a few seconds. I have already introduced you to…
Use Arduino IDE again: Release your microcontroller from MicroPython
In the article PProgrammieren des Arduino Nano ESP32 im Arduino Lab I showed you how to flash the Arduino Nano ESP32 for MicroPython using the MicroPython Installer. Here I will show you how to undo the flashing and how to program your microcontroller in the Arduino IDE again. There is an official english documentation under…